History Of Polynomial Equations
Quintic - Page Two


as was first done by Jerrard. Runge (1885) and Cadenhad and Young found a parameterization of solvable quintics in the form

by showing that all irreducible solvable quintics with coefficients of x4, x3, and x2 missing have the following form
where and are rational.

Spearman and Williams (1994) showed that an irreducible quintic of the form x5 + ax + b = 0 having rational coefficients is solvable by radicals iff there exist rational numbers , , and such that

1 - History
2 - Quadratics
3 - Cubic
4 - Quartic
5 - Quintic
6 - Appendix


The roots are then
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by thomas m. bösel @ www.vimagic.de for University Of Adelaide - History Of Mathematics 2002